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SAP likes to talk about feet on the street when asked about the size of its reseller channel, so it seemed a good time to look at the Business By Design "Find a Partner" tool on the SAP page. Since it doesn't include some resellers who have been announced, Arxis Technologies for example, I'm not sure how this list was put together. But there are 79 resellers on this list, some of these multiple locations of the same VAR, for example, three locations of CPA firm Sikich
. What's interesting is that there are companies on the list who asked me to not mention them as ByD dealers about two months ago. One was waiting to tell Sage and another denied it had signed up. Among the interesting multiple site organizations was accounting firm Grant Thornton with offices in McLean and Alexandria, Va., and Irvine, Calif., listed. Grant is particularly interesting as it appears to be another example of accounting firms that have not been in the reselling business getting back into it with cloud-based products. Among the Sage resellers on the list that I have not seen publicized are SystemLink and SGS Technology Group. Also fairly new to the list is Dynamics VAR Altico Advisors.
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