Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 19 seconds


Smokey the BearSpeed dating is not new. I engaged in that a lot in college. “I have a headache, can we leave now? Take me home.” .... As I’ve gotten older, I don’t know that I’ve gotten wiser. But I can certainly make what I say sound more impressive so it fools more people. ... Sometimes I'm slow on the uptake. I once thought that Pound Puppies was a form of animal abuse.
.... Kellogg's has recalled its Special K with Red Berries because glass fragments were reportedly found in the cereal. That could have a real advertising ring: pink hearts, yellow moons, orange stars, green clovers and clear glass. They're magically lethal. ... VP Joe Biden says women should use shotguns because they don't require such a good aim as other weapons. As someone who grew up on a farm, I can testify that the advice would be good for most hunters. Actually, courses about wildlife identification are also good for hunters. “This is a cow. This is a deer. Although there are many similarities, there are clear differences that make identification easy.”... The National Park Service has said that in case of budget sequestration, it will put Smokey the Bear on two weeks unpaid leave and require him to clean park restrooms along with his usual job as a spokesperson. Another proposal would replace with a rotation of the Geico gekko and the Aflac duck …. My ice skating teacher this week described himself as a half-full kind of guy. I said people had said that about me too. Well, they use the word “full” a lot.”
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