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Tinsley Mortimer of Real Housewives, N.Y. Photo by David ShankboneMary Shelley’s creation Frankenstein is 200. He doesn’t look more than 175. Actually, most of us know Frankenstein is the doctor who created what the monster. The monster, however, has always taken his own lack of name recognition in stride.

A note has been found for the 100th anniversary. “Franky, happy anniversary. You made me what I am,” Monty. ….  Modern Truths: Our extensions have changed. We have new forms for you to fill out. You may experience some side effects. You may have already won. … Members of the Real Wives of New York  have joined the Big Apple Circus. I guess with animal rights squeezing oute lephants they needed a substitute. Oops, turns out it was just one of the NYC crew—Tinsley Mortimer, who acted as ringmaster. But we can only hope they find roles for the others, who were in the audience. It’s unclear which one of the women will take the role of the bearded lady.  … Former speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner, is a featured speaker at the American Cannabis Summit. Boehner will tell attendees that he has found a way to get the highly divided Congress to be more agreeable. “I think a bit of Blue Dream in the House cafeteria will pave the way for a new understanding,” Boehner is expected to tell the crowd. Hey, it’s got to work better than what we have now.

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