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There haven’t been any official releases about who wants to be a Master VAR now that Microsoft has defined the program. But names are surfacing. Most aren’t terribly surprising. These include Interdyn Socius, the Cleveland-based member of the Interdyn consortium.
Since Socius spoke publicly about its interest in the never-to-be Microsoft franchising plan, this would be logical, although Interdyn AKA, based in New York, was interested in franchising, but is not reported as putting its name into the Master VAR hat. Tectura, the largest Dynamics VAR, is also cited as wanting in as is Clients First Business Solutions, a Holmdel, N.J.-based reseller. Manufacturing specialist Fullscope was also named by the betting pool, along with accounting firm Sikich, which has shown a lot of ambition in the technology consulting market. The most obvious candidate is the SBS Group. Since SBS has spent much of the last year building a network of VARs across the country, it would be extremely surprising not to find the Woodbridge, N.J.-based company in the hunt. The SBS Partner Group Network sounds a bit like the Master VAR model except SBS is buying companies and the dealers who become Sales Affiliates of Master VARs maintain their independence, although not their brand. But the question is to what extent Microsoft might want to reward Dynamics-only resellers. The only Dynamics loyalists in this group are Fullscope and Tectura. SBS also sells Acumatica, Deltek, Sage 500 and PFW. Socius markets MAS 90/200/500 and Syspro. Sikich, which picked up Dynamics this year, vends Sage Fund Accounting and SAP’s Business ByDesign. Clients First also added Epicor 9 earlier this year and sells MAS 90/200/500 and SAP Business One.
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