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Herman Man, XeroXero has named Herman Man as global VP of product. The fact that Man is headquartered in the San Francisco Bay area shows the cloud software company's continuing effort to have top management presence in the United States. There's been no announcement about the hiring, but Man's LinkedIn page shows he joined New Zealand-based Xero in August. He was co-founder of Chewsy in 2010.

Chewsy is described as "the mobile app that will change the way you eat out." Man served as director of product management for Hearsay Social from April 2013 through July 2015. The Chewsy experience must have overlapped his Microsoft experience as he was with that company from February 2000 through April 2013 and was principal engineering manager of the commerce division from August 2009 until leaving. His LinkedIn biographical sketch says he holds several software patents. Maybe he can develop the first edible cloud software product.

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