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Anya Ciecierski, There have been many signs of the move to the cloud by Dynamics resellers. Last year, there was Collins Computing moving to Acumatica; last month, Socius picking up NetSuite. There have been enough movement by readers of that its publishers are coming out with a cloud blog next month. Editor and blog co-founder Anya Ciecierski said that the decision was based on the fact that so many Dynamics resellers have taken on non-Microsoft products.

There are still proportionately a lot more Microsoft loyalists among the big Dynamics resellers than there are among big Sage VARs. [There are few Sage-only big dealers anyway.] But I expect the numbers on the Microsoft side will decrease as resellers look for true cloud products and also as Microsoft continues to give the appearance that it is going upmarket and is more interested in the global systems integrators for AX. I have a feeling that NetSuite is going to release more top VAR enlistees from the Microsoft camp at its SuiteWorld conference in the first week of May. We are also likely to see more VARs dropping their desktop products completely in order to concentrate on cloud applications. Someone gave me the name of a reseller who is dropping GP for one of the SaaS products. (I won't use the name without confirming). We are likely to see this escalate in the lower half of the Dynamics VAR market. I believe the larger AX resellers are less likely to defect; more likely to build their own products on top of Dynamics applications.

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