Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 15 seconds


Following a minor traffic accident this week, I was feeling a lot like the Green Bay Packers after the playoff game with the Giants last weekend: All beat up and no place to go. The worst damage was to a black toilet that had been left at the side of the street for pickup. That poor toilet didn’t stand a chance.
And I couldn’t help but think that life is like that—one day you’re completely flush and the next you’re a pile of porcelain rubble. The other driver, who did a go-left-to-turn right, a la the movie “Cars” and slid around the snowy bend in the road into my vehicle, was 17 years old. I reflected on how fast they grow up. One day they are cute little kids on the playground and before you know it, they are terrors on the highway. … Rumors are that GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney has rejected the proposal that he play the lead in a new movie called “The 15 Percent Solution.”  ... Iran is closing stores that sell Barbie dolls because the government wants to remove Western influences. The mullahs have also ordered thousands of tiny whips to punish the dolls for their immodest dress. Ken is being forced to grow a beard.  ... And today's Default candidate of the week is Portugal.  Ah, we needed something to take our minds off the fact that Greece might be close to a deal. That's coming up on "The Wheel of Debt", today on BBC1.
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